The Girl Who Cried Wolf - A Column by Kristi Page

happiness, love, Extraordinary doctors

“Kristi” is a surfer, barista, and university student studying for arts and science degrees in philosophy and mathematical modeling. Living on the picturesque Bellarine Peninsula on the southeast coast of Australia, she’s deeply passionate about salt water and amazing coffee — even though she’s not allowed to drink it. Above all else, she loves traveling the world! Diagnosed with stage IV lupus nephritis at 20, she’s determined to not be defined by her autoimmune condition. Using writing as a medium for self-expression, she hopes to share her life and journey to both raise awareness and support others in similar situations. A big believer in the concept of dialectics, she loves sharing and hearing unorthodox, sometimes controversial, views. She’s quirky by choice, inquisitive by nature, and smiling always!

What Lupus Life Is to Me

Mid-conversation, I’m often asked questions that lead to me revealing information the other person isn’t ready to hear about. It involves an unsettling, controversial word. Actually, it’s not just a simple word, but a name: lupus. And then comes an all-important question I hear time and time again. What…

Loving Someone Who Is Forever Evolving

I’m a confessed hopeless romantic. Blame my parents! With 27 years of marriage under their belts and a grand total of 37 years together, I’ve spent my entire life watching a love story unfold. But just like any long-term relationship, their real-life fairy tale hasn’t always been smooth…

Thanks to Lupus, I’m Addicted to Control

I’m an addict. Before you get the wrong idea, I should explain. My addiction isn’t to any type of illicit or prescription drug, it’s not to alcohol, and I don’t even crave caffeine. No, my vice is something else, something harder to attain. I’m addicted to control.

It’s All or Nothing with Lupus

I’m an all-or-nothing kind of person emotionally. If you ask how I am, you won’t ever hear me answer “all right.” I’m always good, great, or the polar opposite — in which case, I’m too “in my feelings” to reply. When studying or learning a skill, I’m either…

Looking into the Future with Lupus

They say the only things guaranteed in life are death and taxes. I’m lucky enough to add one more certainty to the list: lupus. Ironically, being certain about lupus only means being entirely uncertain about everything else in my life. When someone asks what my life will look…

My Mum Is My Greatest Advocate

Ever since I can remember, a little voice has been in the back of my head. It’s a voice that never failed to encourage me, motivate me, and reassure me that no matter the obstacle, I can always overcome it. But “the little voice that could” didn’t belong…

The Mirror Doesn’t Lie

I’ve worn the same two pairs of black skinny jeans since the end of 2016. But over the last three months, I’ve noticed they don’t quite fit like they used to. They’re feeling much snugger than they once did. And that terrified me. I have to confess something…

An Exercise in Defining Yourself Beyond Lupus

Try something with me. Find a piece of paper and take a moment to write up to five adjectives that you most identify with yourself. Once finished, continue reading. Look at the words you’ve written. Are you happy with how…

A Reflection on My Journey with Prednisolone

I remember the first time I was given the corticosteroid prednisolone to treat lupus. Within days, it became clear that the medication was working, but I’d already started to hate it. In retrospect, that was a foretelling sign of the long-term love-hate relationship we would share. The…