
Please reassure me: Is anyone searching for a lupus cure?

I’m holding two bags of medicine recently prescribed to tackle a new condition that has caused me neurological damage. It’s another unprovoked manifestation of systemic lupus erythematosus. It took weeks to secure them because the prescribing rheumatologist was required by some invisible judge named “insurance” to justify…

We must protect our love when living with chronic illness

In November 2020, Louisiana-based counselor barbara w. green shared a warning in an article published on Medium: “Protect your important relationships from the coronavirus, just as you protect yourself from it. Patience with each other has become more important than ever as we face rising anxieties and stress this…

How Lupus Awareness Month motivates me to help others

It’s that time of the year again, when we “lupies,” “spoonies,” or whatever you want to call us come out waving our purple banners. May is a special month for raising awareness about the life-changing illness that is lupus. For me, it’s a time to go big, as…

3 tips for facing a change of seasons with lupus

Ah, the changing seasons. Spring is finally here, and for many people, it’s an exciting time of rejuvenation, of shedding winter coats and embracing the sun’s warmth. But for those of us with chronic illnesses like lupus, each seasonal change can feel like stepping into a battlefield of unpredictable…

14 ways to rebuild when lupus symptoms bulldoze life

Living with systemic lupus erythematosus and Sjögren’s syndrome is like building a house out of fragments. I gleaned that idea from Paulo Coelho’s 2024 collection of stories, “Maktub.” It’s an inspirational companion to his classic novel “The Alchemist,” published about three decades ago. (Photo…