
The Problem with Labeling ‘Good’ Attitudes

I’m smiley, optimistic, and happy-go-lucky; it’s the way I’ve always been. I take everything in my stride, which is not to say that I don’t get knocked down. But no matter how many times or how hard I go down, I always get back up with a…

Learning the Importance of My Passions

Since sharing that I was trying to find myself, I decided to get a little more in tune with myself. I decided to treat myself like the guy who has been granted that fourth date. The first date is awkward, the second…

I Don’t Want to Live a ‘Safe’ Life with Lupus

Most of my life involved taking risks that were calculated and well-informed. I was never one who had the state of mind to just do things without thinking them through first. Yet, now that I should crave the safe and the easy more than ever, I can’t help…

A Letter to My Lupus on the 1st Anniversary of My Diagnosis

I’ve got to hand it to you. You’re good at what you do. If your aim was to turn my life upside down and alter it beyond repair, then congratulations –you did it. You’ve worked hard to change me and it’s paid off. There’s very little trace of…

By Sharing, We’re Not Looking for Sympathy

I was recently reading comments from one of the support groups and just kept thinking, “exactly,” and “I know that’s right,” and “YES!” So I decided I would share. It seems the more we share about our illness, the more people have a need to feel sorry for…

The Little Wolf on My Shoulder

At the crossroads of a tough decision we often find ourselves in need of a little guidance. It’s generally pictured as a heated debate between an angel on one shoulder and a devil on the other as they hope to win the argument for the indecisive human. Too…

What a Photo Can’t Tell You

Can you guess which one of us is sick? If I were to show you this picture (on the left) and ask you to pick out which one of us is sick, which one of us would you choose? Would you take a wild guess,…

No Tea, No Powder, No Water, No Cure

Hear ye! Hear ye! A cure for lupus has been found, except no one bothered to tell the medical community. I will be honest: I am not the biggest fan of the bedside manner of many of our healthcare professionals. The U.S. healthcare system needs an overhaul. But that said,…