
In Sickness and in Health: Marriage and Chronic Illness

Few couples hearing the term “in sickness and in health” at their wedding have thoughts of chronic illness enter their mind. But the reality is, with almost half of the American population dealing with some type of chronic illness, this should be something all couples consider. Relationships, while…

Remission Doesn’t Mean Cure — Chronic Illness Is for Life

The word “remission” doesn’t mean what most people think it does. When most people use the word remission, they do so in relation to cancer and assume that it’s easily interchangeable with “cure.” But it’s not — in fact, it’s far from it! Remission only refers to an…

What Are Your Goals?

I have been asked what my goals are twice in the past two months. At one time, I would have told you that I was an ambitious overachiever. Now, I strive to get out of bed before 9 a.m. The first time it was on a questionnaire at the…

I Have Reasons for My Physical Challenges, Not Excuses

Living in this era of booming health and fitness, my Instagram and Facebook feeds are full of workout videos, fitspo selfies, and motivational posts. To me, physical exercise is just another form of medicine. When I spend money on exercise, I view it as an investment in my…

Lupus, Grief, and Losing a Loved One

Dealing with a chronic illness each day can be frustrating and overwhelming, so how do we factor in grief and the grieving process when someone close to us passes away? How do we actively mourn the passing of a loved one without causing a flare-up? To be honest,…

Why I Mentally Struggle with Justifying My Napping

A meme floating around Facebook says something like: “I’m not a night owl or an early bird, I’m more like a permanently exhausted pigeon.” Each time I read it, I laugh out loud. Not necessarily because I find it funny, but more so that I relate to it…

When Lupus Rears Its Ugly Head

I have been lucky that my diseases have been relatively stable over the past few years. Most of the flares I have had were situational, typically when I put myself in strenuous situations. For example, I traveled from Michigan to the East Coast and back again in 36 hours. However,…