
Dealing with the Emotional Part of My Lupus Diagnosis

Anxiety and depression seem to be tag-alongs of lupus. Before my diagnosis, I would feel sad sometimes, but I wasn’t depressed. I would allow myself a three-day pity party, before saying, “OK, enough; time for solutions.” With lupus, there are no solutions. Life as I knew it is…

It’s All or Nothing with Lupus

I’m an all-or-nothing kind of person emotionally. If you ask how I am, you won’t ever hear me answer “all right.” I’m always good, great, or the polar opposite — in which case, I’m too “in my feelings” to reply. When studying or learning a skill, I’m either…

Figuring Out the New Me

Before lupus hit me, I stayed insanely active. I spent almost 20 years in real estate and was a fashion blogger doing many events that took me to various boutiques all over a few cities. I was having the time of my life. I’d recently moved to…

Looking into the Future with Lupus

They say the only things guaranteed in life are death and taxes. I’m lucky enough to add one more certainty to the list: lupus. Ironically, being certain about lupus only means being entirely uncertain about everything else in my life. When someone asks what my life will look…

How I’m Dealing with My Yo-yo Disease Called Lupus

Before I had lupus, anxiety and panic attacks were foreign to me. Since then I have learned to deal with these episodes by controlling my breathing and telling myself that the feeling is temporary. Most people have no idea how much your life changes when you…

My Mum Is My Greatest Advocate

Ever since I can remember, a little voice has been in the back of my head. It’s a voice that never failed to encourage me, motivate me, and reassure me that no matter the obstacle, I can always overcome it. But “the little voice that could” didn’t belong…

The Misconceptions I Had About Remission

When the doctor told me I had lupus, the first question I asked him was if I was going to die. He responded that he would do his best to make sure that didn’t happen. I next wanted to know if there was a cure. He said there…

The Mirror Doesn’t Lie

I’ve worn the same two pairs of black skinny jeans since the end of 2016. But over the last three months, I’ve noticed they don’t quite fit like they used to. They’re feeling much snugger than they once did. And that terrified me. I have to confess something…

Lessons I Have Learned with Lupus

Lupus sucks. Anyone who is battling the disease will attest to that. Several months ago, I was asked what changes I would make in my life if I could go back in time. My response was “nothing.” Then came the next question: “You wouldn’t change that you have…

An Exercise in Defining Yourself Beyond Lupus

Try something with me. Find a piece of paper and take a moment to write up to five adjectives that you most identify with yourself. Once finished, continue reading. Look at the words you’ve written. Are you happy with how…