
Because of Lupus, I Am Powerful

Before my lupus diagnosis, I don’t think I knew what it felt like to be powerful. I also never knew what it felt like to feel almost powerless. And that’s the funny thing about my life: To know how it feels to experience one extreme, I need to have…

Without A Safety Net, I Have Nothing to Lose by Trying

What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail? I love this question because when I ask it, the face of my conversational partner lights up with excitement and confidence. And why wouldn’t it? I’ve given them the ultimate scenario, the prospect of theoretically being able to do anything.

Tear Up the Contract and Communicate with Your Loved Ones

A lupus diagnosis affects more than just the patient. Spouses, children, close friends, and even co-workers are changed when a life-altering diagnosis is delivered. While the person with the disease has physical issues, their diagnosis has consequences for those around them. For example, a parent with small children won’t be…

A Life with Illness Is Worth Fighting For

You’d be surprised how many times I tell the story of my tumultuous diagnosis, only to have someone ask, “Then what happened?” It’s like they think I went to bed and accepted lupus as a death sentence. Don’t misunderstand me: Lupus is a killer. If left undiagnosed, it can be…

Working on Healing My Happy

For years, I have been chasing remission. In my mind, it was the pinnacle. I could envision low to no pain, newfound energy, and no more medications. It was like lupus utopia in my head. Someday, I would be told my bloodwork looked normal, reflecting “remission numbers.” Utopia, however,…

Life with Lupus Requires Resilience

If asked about the one thing that’s necessary when living with lupus, I’d answer “resilience” without skipping a beat. Strength, good doctors, a brave face, and a solid support system would be in the running for second. But in a life with chronic illness, resilience makes or breaks you.

Three Little Words That Will Change My Life

On a recent morning, I was lying in bed checking my emails. There was one from the hospital with test results from my last visit. A few days earlier, I had tried a new medication and landed in the emergency room. It turned out to be a bad reaction to…

Meeting My Hero: Remission Is Not What I Had Expected

Has anyone ever told you that you should never meet your hero? We often have an idea of who that person is, and then when we meet them, we’re sorely disappointed. We’d hyped them up to be a perfect person. Then we discover a flawed human. The disappointment can be…

Why I Can Only Discuss Hardship After the Fact

When I’m in the depths of struggle, only the people closest to me know about it. I need to go through the hardship and come out on the other side before I’m comfortable writing about it or sharing it on social media. I need to prove to myself I can…