
The ‘Girlfriend Experience’ is Much Different Because of Lupus

The typical Girlfriend Experience should be one filled with flowers and dates. Meeting loved ones. Family and friends for the holidays. But, when dating a woman with lupus, the Girlfriend Experience is dramatically different. Being a single mom meant I wasn’t the easiest person to date before my symptoms…

Staying Positive Creates Silver Linings

I’m a bit of a weirdo. There, I said it. I admit it. As an affirmation junkie, I am all about positive self-talk. I am always looking toward the positive side of life. There is a silver lining even in my diagnosis of lupus. Because of my outlook,…

Why I Refuse to Believe My Lupus is a ‘Lesson’

There are many things I believe wholeheartedly. I believe that if you send out good energy, that at the right time, it will come full circle and be repaid to you. I believe that in every moment I hold my life in my own hands, and although I’m…

How Lupus Taught Me to Live in the Moment

There is a lot to be said about your body showing you exactly who is the boss after a lifetime of thinking it was you. Once you realize that you are just along for the ride, it becomes a little easier to relinquish the keys, so to…

Determined to Determine the Point of it All

How many times have you heard that we go through ugly things in life to learn a lesson, or to be an example to someone else? The someone else part is a bit annoying, and reminds me of the joke that says “Hey, math, solve your own…

Investing in the Future, and Hoping it Will Pay Off in Time

When you think of investment your mind goes straight to things of monetary value, like shares, stocks and property. You only invest what is deemed most valuable and for most people it probably is money. But for me it’s a little different, as the most valuable assets in…