
A Letter of Love and Thanks to My Body

Being diagnosed with lupus made me aware that my body was self-destructive. Coming to terms with my illness was made harder because I couldn’t pinpoint a cause, and therefore had nothing to blame but my own body. When it comes to writing about my body, it often comes from…

Not Just a High: My Experience with Medical Marijuana

In the wake of the opioid controversy, it’s important to understand that some patients will do just about anything to resolve their pain. Without stronger medications, most will suffer in silence. Some are even being told to take Tylenol for pain that was once treated with much stronger drugs. The…

The Frustration of Not Understanding My Own Illness

One of the hardest parts of having lupus is how much of the unknown surrounds it. I’m not talking about just a lack of awareness among the wider population, although that is a problem. I’m speaking specifically of the fact that every day I live with a…

The Insatiable Tiredness I Feel

One thing I’ll always identify with lupus is a feeling that no amount of sleep is enough. Although I occasionally wake up feeling rested, for the most part, mornings are a gargantuan-size struggle before the day’s even begun. Of the year and a bit since my lupus diagnosis,…

3 Ways to Support a Friend with a Chronic Illness

A select number of family members and friends have been integral to my well-being and sanity since I was diagnosed with lupus in 2001. I’ve realized over the years that some people are truly compassionate and helpful, and will put in the effort to maintain a…

Warm Heart, Cold Feet Kind of Relationship

When I think of cold feet and a warm heart, what comes to mind is a caring relationship that carries a little fear of commitment. If that is what you thought of, too, sorry to take you down a different path. This one is literally one of cold feet and a…

Depression: When It’s More Than Just Sadness

Like many lupus patients, my life didn’t exactly go as planned. While my friends were all settling into their lives,  mine was beginning to unravel. I had just been declared in remission from a rare blood disorder known as  thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP). I was looking forward to getting…

Why Stress Is Like Baseball

Stress is a trigger. It is one of the first things you learn as a lupus warrior. The unfortunate thing is that life is filled with stress. No matter what you do, there is going to be something that is going to create a certain level of…

Summertime, Summertime, How I Miss Summertime!

After getting two masters degrees and a PhD while dealing with lupus and rheumatoid arthritis, the reality of what it means to be a chronically ill student was transformed into the reality of what it means to be a chronically ill worker. I have been in my current job since February…