
Disability Pay? What Disability Pay?

Recently I was discussing earnings with another warrior. I love learning new things, and they often relate to creating income online. This has caused a lot of people to come to me with business ideas they want to take online, or people who want to know how to…

Pushing Through the Pain

Recently, I had a very ugly flare that caused me a lot of pain. Every time I have a flare, it really sets me back — not just physically, but mentally as well. I have an increasingly harder time recovering after each flare. For so many of us,…

Not Quite the Big ‘R’, But Close

Thursday of last week was a big day for me. Actually, scratch that. It was a huge day. A milestone. That Thursday, every moment of pain and struggle over the last two years finally amounted to something wonderful. In revealing the results of a recent kidney biopsy, my…

The Chronically Ill Couple

My boyfriend, Jordan, is my best friend and my rock. We’ve built our relationship’s foundation on a deep-seated love for food and the understanding that, in so very many ways, our realities with young adulthood are both uncommon and generally misunderstood. You see, Jordan doesn’t just sympathize with…

With Lupus, a Power Nap Helps You to Maximize Your Day

What others call “overdoing it” I call “maximizing the hours of the day.” One example is this past weekend, for which my Saturday was scheduled to go like this: 7:30 a.m. – Walk for Lupus in Manhattan 9:30 a.m. – Perform at a conference at Fordham University…