Kristiana Page,  —

Kristiana Page is a passionate writer, jiujiteira, and lover of crunchy salt and vinegar chips. She lives in Geelong, Victoria, Australia. She was diagnosed with stage V lupus nephritis in 2016 at the age of 20. True to her personality, her writing is emotional, honest — sometimes blunt — and largely undeterred by what other people might think. For her, writing is equal parts therapy and the ultimate act of defiance against an invisible illness that thrived off her silence. She loves to use words to reduce stigma, shine a light on the realities of life with an invisible illness, and make the world feel a little smaller when it matters most.

Articles by Kristiana Page

The Glory of Extraordinary Doctors

In the last four years, I have played patient to some medical professionals with no regard for me as someone who needed their care. Some were more interested in telling me what they knew instead of letting me express my worries. Some didn’t even treat me as a human being.

Because of Lupus, I Learned the Meaning of Love

I had never truly understood what it means to be loved until I was diagnosed with lupus. Don’t get me wrong — I had an amazing upbringing. As a child and teenager, I wanted for nothing. I couldn’t have asked for better parents…

The Journey to Happiness After My Lupus Diagnosis

This morning, I woke to spring sunshine streaming into my living room. After puttering around the house and watering my veggie garden, I settled in to have breakfast. And it was there, sitting at my kitchen bench, crunching on toast, that I noticed something: I feel happy. But not that…

How Lupus Was the Catalyst to Authenticity in My Life

At one point or another, everyone realizes that pleasing the masses is impossible. With that realization comes freedom. The freedom to finally live the way you have always wanted. The freedom to stop caring about what anyone else might think of you. Most people reach the “I don’t…

How I’m Reclaiming the Anniversary of My Diagnosis

As of May 22, 2020, I have lived with my lupus diagnosis for four years. I have commemorated the past three anniversaries on their exact date with a photo and paragraph. Half of me has always loved celebrating on the actual date of my anniversary. That’s partly because in…

Why I Don’t Want to Live Forever

I have thought about death and mortality more than the average 20-something. In fact, I love nothing more than debating the philosophy around it. To me, death isn’t a cause for anxiety or fear; it is a fact of life. A fact I have been at peace with for some…

Taking Advantage of Living in a Time Like No Other

We are living in a unique time, and I am not referring only to the COVID-19 pandemic. How many times in your life have you wished you had more downtime? How often have you wished for more time to do the less urgent, little things you never seem to get…

Coping and Thriving During COVID-19 Isolation

My last column focused on fear and other potential effects of being in isolation. As Australia continues to lock down, I have experienced different waves of emotions.   The first was anxiety. If you are overcome with anxiety, know that you are not alone in feeling a…