
What I’ve Learned About What to Eat

When I moved to Thailand, a little more than a year ago, I was a vegetarian. When I arrived, I was roughly 109 pounds, but it was not because I decided not to eat meat. Lupus caused me to lose massive amounts of weight…

Sleep and Lupus: 6 Tools to Achieve Better Rest

Over the years, sleep has become one of the most-discussed topics in the lupus community, and with good reason. How long we sleep, and the quality of our sleep, may often have the greatest influence on how our day will progress. Personally, I didn’t pay much attention to how…

Journey to Self-discovery: Less Social, More Sure

We all have a vision for our lives. As youngsters, we often were asked what we wanted to be when we grow up. We learn if we are introverts or extroverts and more.  I always have been very social and quite talkative. I didn’t shy away from crowds…

What It’s Like to Win the ‘Lupus Lottery’

Through the time that surrounds the day that confirmed my lupus diagnosis, there is one thing that stands out clearly. As my nephrologist explained what lupus was and the different treatment options that were available, he introduced a phrase that will stay with me forever. He stated…

My Attitude Adjustment

We have spent all of our lives in a place that we take for granted, a place that we think we completely control — our bodies. Then we start feeling things that are unexplained, and a diagnosis comes to let us know that we only thought we were…

The Dangers of Asking ‘Why’

I don’t usually ask why something happens to me. I am usually the one to ask, instead, what is my purpose in this situation? I am also a solutions-type person, so I realize that asking “why” is going down a never-ending rabbit hole. It will render no real…

If I Wanted Your Advice, I’d Ask for It

The thing about being so open about my lupus on social media is that people often attempt to force their advice on me. While I understand that, for the most part, it’s incredibly well-intended, please understand that although I’m speaking out I’m actually not asking for your opinion…