
Why I Mentally Struggle with Justifying My Napping

A meme floating around Facebook says something like: “I’m not a night owl or an early bird, I’m more like a permanently exhausted pigeon.” Each time I read it, I laugh out loud. Not necessarily because I find it funny, but more so that I relate to it…

When Lupus Rears Its Ugly Head

I have been lucky that my diseases have been relatively stable over the past few years. Most of the flares I have had were situational, typically when I put myself in strenuous situations. For example, I traveled from Michigan to the East Coast and back again in 36 hours. However,…

The Lethargic Reality of Lupus

I’ve tried writing this column about 10 times now. I’m struggling to keep my thoughts straight, my concentration on the task at hand, and my mind from wandering off in a daydream. There was a list of eight things I needed to do today, and I’ll be lucky…

When Liquor and Lupus Meet at a Party

“Shots! Shots! Shots! Shots!” The chant is repeated by my squad of friends at the bar. It’s my friend’s birthday and celebrations go hand in hand with alcohol. For many, it’s not a good birthday if you can walk a straight line at the end of the night.

About That Greener Grass

Going to a hated job is something so many people complain about. They don’t like their co-workers, and if you could give them a two-hour lunch and a nap in the middle of the day, they’d be in line to sign up. Once upon a time, I would…

Keeping the Joy in the Midst of the Storm

Earlier this year, I shared in a column that I am chasing remission, and that lupus has caused a shift in my spiritual beliefs. Today I find myself revisiting both of these subjects. Have you ever had an enemy who said you couldn’t do something, and it made…