These Feelings Can’t Be Real

There are days when my life feels like a Milli Vanilli song; it’s being faked, but it’s known for the part that is fake! Unfortunately, lupus is very real. There has been a lot of rain lately, and as I move through my home I realize I am hurting…

As a Lupus Patient, I Have Learned to Be Prepared

Following your lupus diagnosis, visits to doctor’s offices begin to multiply. Sometimes I’ll have consultations with three different doctors in the same week. If they order tests, it means even more appointments.  Having spent all of this time in medical clinics, I have learned that if I come…

On the To-do List: How to Cope When You Have Brain Fog

Lupus ‘brain fog’ is aptly named When I am tired or under a lot of stress, my brain gets foggy. The official name for this is cognitive dysfunction, but it’s commonly referred to as brain fog because it’s like trying to find your way in a dark, dense…

The Misconceptions I Had About Remission

When the doctor told me I had lupus, the first question I asked him was if I was going to die. He responded that he would do his best to make sure that didn’t happen. I next wanted to know if there was a cure. He said there…

Neglecting My Baby Named Lupus

Lupus is a part of me, and like a baby, it’s something I need to nurture, pay attention to. But at times, I neglect my lupus so much that someone could call the Administration for Children’s Services on me. I never asked for this cranky brat that changed my life,…

9 Ways to Manage Brain Fog

One of the most frustrating symptoms of living with a chronic illness is brain fog. There are medications to treat many symptoms of chronic diseases, but sadly there isn’t yet a pill that takes away brain fog. However, there are ways to deal with it so patients can minimize its effects and…

When Brain Fog Clouds Your Day

I knew I was supposed to be doing something important, but for the life of me, I couldn’t remember what it was. For many of us who struggle with brain fog, this is a common scenario. But brain fog can go beyond just forgetting what you were supposed…

The Battle with Brain Fog

I made my living for almost 20 years in real estate, and the funny thing that set me apart was the ability to remember things that others could not. If you told me your name six months ago, I would remember it six months later. Lupus does…

9 Ways to Manage Brain Fog

One of the most frustrating symptoms of living with a chronic illness is brain fog. There are medications to treat many symptoms of chronic diseases, but sadly there isn’t yet a pill that takes away brain fog. However, there are ways to deal with it so patients can minimize its effects and…

6 Common Symptoms of Chronic Fatigue

  If you suffer from a chronic illness, then it’s highly likely that you’ll experience fatigue from time to time. Fatigue is different than just feeling tired, and generally it’s not something that can be fixed with an early night or by resting for a little while. With tips from the pros…