
Heal Thyself

I have lupus, and I am a vegetarian … but that doesn’t mean I can heal myself. I find it quite interesting, the things people share with me. I know they are well-meaning, but it’s actually quite annoying. The articles, supplement suggestions, tea suggestions, dietary suggestions — all…

An Open Letter to My Boyfriend, from Your Girlfriend with Lupus

Telling you about my chronic illness was nerve-wracking. I couldn’t help but feel anxious and vulnerable revealing something so incredibly personal. It involved unveiling the very worst part of myself, hoping that somehow, despite its significance, you’d still look past it to see me for who I…

3 Apps I’m Using Right Now for Lupus

As lupus patients in the year 2018, we have incredible access to technology that can help us get through the day with this difficult and frustrating disease. One of my favorite technological advancements that helps me on a regular basis is the use of phone apps. Yes,…

The ‘Build-a-Body’ Workshop

I am a wreck. And I am sure that plenty of us feel this way after lupus comes to steal our energy and bodies. It either adds weight or removes it. I went from a curvy girl weighing in the 170s down to a bony girl who at…

Too Sick to Be Healthy, Yet Not Sick Enough to Be Sick

If I’ve learned one thing about living with an invisible illness, it’s that my life exists in limbo. Though I generally tend to feel good, I live knowing that in the last two years, I’ve never once felt as healthy as I did before diagnosis. I know…

When I’m All Alone, I’m Not Alone

Once upon a time, I was a big extrovert. I was out so frequently, having dinner with friends, hosting events for my fashion blog, and of course, I had a career selling real estate. That job took me to a ton of networking events, conferences, and seminars. To…

What My Parents Taught Me About Love and Lupus

When I think about love, I think of my parents. Though they’ve been together for the better part of 35 years, the best word I’d use to describe their relationship is not “everlasting” (though that would be a close second), but rather “enduring.” As I’ve watched them grow…

The Things People Say

Lupus is cruel. It flips your entire life on its head. It robs you of so much, and it loves women for some reason. Men get it, but the vast majority of those suffering are female. We live in a society that says even the healthiest women should…

A Life of Depending on Doctors, Thanks to Lupus

Dependency is part of the human experience. A large majority of the early years of our lives are spent relying on parents and guardians to teach us the ins and outs of life. If you’re lucky enough to make it to old age, you’ll once again find yourself…

It May Seem Impossible, But You Can’t Give Up

I’m tired. I don’t want to do this anymore. I want the energy and the muscle tone that I once had. I wake up and, some days, I cannot reach behind me because the pain in my shoulders is so bad. I can hardly walk up the block,…