Social Clips

15 Signs That Confirm You’re Definitely a Spoonie

A “spoonie” is a term used by people with chronic illnesses. It stems from lupus blogger Christine Miserandino who explained her lack of energy using spoons. How do you know if you’re a spoonie? We’ve scoured the Internet for some examples of what it’s like to be…

Tips for Staying Sun-Safe With Lupus In this video from newlifeoutlook, lupus vlogger and writer Anna Scanlon talks about ways fellow lupus sufferers can stay safe in the sun. Anna explains that most people with lupus are sun-sensitive, but those who take the medication Plaquenil are even more at risk of…

What Is a ‘Spoonie’?

If you’re active on the Internet, particularly in groups and forums regarding chronic illness, you’ve definitely noticed the term “spoonie” being thrown around. MORE: Six common symptoms of chronic fatigue Spoonie is a term coined by a chronic illness blogger, who used spoons to demonstrate how…

How to Cover a Lupus Butterfly Rash With Makeup This video from NewLifeOutlook explores ways to cover a facial butterfly rash with makeup. Five tips for traveling with lupus. Vlogger Anna Scanlon shares a step-by-step account of how she covers her lupus-related butterfly rash, starting with moisturizer and then building up layers of makeup. After moisturizing her…

8 of the Most Common Lung Diseases in Women

Lupus is a very complex disease that affect any part of the body, including the lungs. There are many different lung diseases that vary in severity, but one thing is certain: the number of women developing and dying from lung diseases is rapidly rising in the U.S. With early diagnosis comes early treatment which can help prevent…

5 Tips for Traveling With Lupus In this video from newlifeoutlook, Anna Scanlon shares some tips for people with lupus who wish to travel. Traveling with an autoimmune disease like lupus can pose several problems, but with some forethought and planning, there is no reason why people living with lupus can’t go out and see the world.

12 Ways To Raise Awareness for Lupus

May is Lupus Awareness Month, which means people living with the condition and non-profit organizations will be working hard to raise the profile of the disease. MORE: The difficulty of having an invisible illness like lupus. Lupus Awareness Day falls on May 10. This is a day when organizations reach out to governments around the…

6 Things to Know About Using Medicinal Marijuana

Using cannabis or marijuana for medicinal purposes is a hot topic right now among patients and health practitioners. It’s regularly touted as a pain reliever for many chronic illnesses and autoimmune diseases, such as lupus. According to the National Cancer Institute, here are some of the facts about medical marijuana…

What Does a Chronically Ill Person Do All Day?

Many people with chronic diseases have what is called an “invisible illness.” This means that although they’re very sick, they don’t have any visible signs of illness so many people assume that they’re not really sick at all. MORE: Six common symptoms of chronic fatigue This is a constant source of frustration for…

5 Tips to Help Prevent Lung Infections

Lupus patients are susceptible to lung infections which can often lead to hospitalization. Because lupus is such a complex condition, it can affect any part of your body and the lungs are also included in that risk list. According to the American Lung Association, there are several…