
Review Supports Eculizumab as Potential New Treatment for Lupus Nephritis

A new study reports that eculizumab may be effective in the treatment of certain patients with systemic lupus erythematous (SLE) with renal (kidney) involvement, a condition called lupus nephritis (LN). In the study, “Expanding the therapeutic options for renal involvement in lupus: eculizumab, available evidence,” published in the journal Rheumatology…

SLE Women More Frail Than Much Older Healthy Adults, Study Finds

Women with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) may be more frail than people 20 years their senior, according to a new study that also associates frailty with poor physical and cognitive function, functional decline, hospitalization, post-surgery complications and mortality. The study, “Is Frailty A Relevant Concept In SLE?,” appeared in the journal Lupus…

Rituxan Reduces Lupus Patients’ Steroid Use, Study Shows

Treating newly diagnosed systemic lupus erythematosus patients with Rituxan (rituximab) is safe and effective, according to a study that followed a small group of patients over several years. A key finding was that Rituxan reduced the patients’ use of corticosteroids, which is good news because long-term steroid use can cause numerous…

Discovery of Immune System Brake Could Lead to Lupus Treatments

The discovery of a factor that acts as a brake on the immune system’s first line of defense may lead to new strategies for fighting autoimmune diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus, a study reports. The factor could also impact research into antiviral therapies, vaccine adjuvants, and cancer immunotherapies. An adjuvant…

Early Detection of ECG Anomalies in SLE Patients May Prevent Heart Disease

Evaluating heart function using an electrocardiogram (ECG) can be a useful noninvasive tool for early detection of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) who have an increased risk for cardiovascular disease (CVD), researchers found. The study, “Prevalence and associated factors of resting electrocardiogram abnormalities among systemic lupus erythematosus patients without…