
Ending an Era: Saying Goodbye to ‘The Girl Who Cried Wolf’

I’ve been procrastinating writing this column for a couple of days now. Partly because my heart doesn’t want to, and partly because I don’t know how to begin to say goodbye. As I pen my final farewell, I’m feeling emotional. But given how many nights I’ve spent teary-eyed, pouring…

2020 Was a Crazy Year, but It Brought Me Many Blessings

Historic and challenging events happened last year. There was never a dull moment, and if your coping skills were rusty, 2020 made you get out the polish.  I was admitted to the hospital just after the year started and was in a medical facility until…

The Problem With Forced Positivity

When my body started failing, I hopped on social media and asked if anyone had dealt with similar issues. As the mystery built, I coped by using comedy and positivity, as I often do. When the weight of…