
Without a Grain of Salt: My Low-Sodium Diet for Lupus

It wasn’t until I had to live with a low-sodium diet that I came to realize that salt is literally in almost everything! It occurs naturally in most proteins, and is added to pretty much anything that isn’t a fresh fruit or vegetable. Eating used to be a…

Early Diagnosis Causes Youngsters to Grow Up Quickly

Being diagnosed with a chronic illness as a child can affect an individual on so many different levels. For myself, being diagnosed at age 14 with several chronic illnesses (including lupus) increased anxiety and stress in my life. My illness caused me to make decisions and choices that I would…

Medical Massage for Lupus

When people think of massage they often think of luxury — something to reward or pamper yourself with. Some may use it to alleviate stress, or perhaps a pulled muscle from a workout at the gym. Massage is not something many recognize as medicinal in nature, nor do they…

Dream or Reality? Working Full-time with Lupus

Looking back at when I was five years old, I remember dreaming like most little kids do of a life planned out. I recall thinking that I’d be married at around 30 years old just like my parents, have kids, and a full-time job. I never really thought too…

Eat Your Vegetables for a Healthy, Tasty and Trusted Diet

We love food. We salivate over it as we watch television commercials, spend hours enjoying it as we dine out with friends and family. And, if we fancy ourselves chefs, we spend time pouring over new recipes and finding new flavors. Still, we don’t always take into…

Working and Bouncing Back with Lupus

This time 10 months ago, it was the peak of the summer season here in the Southern Hemisphere, which meant that, in my little oceanside town and surrounds, business was in full swing and working hours were plenty. I worked at least five long, hot days a week…

Traveling with Lupus

It’s interesting how most of the world can just plan a trip and go. When you are battling lupus, planning a trip takes a few extra measures. There needs to be plenty of thought, even for a short trip, when you are dealing with unpredictable symptoms. The…

Convenience is What I Miss with Lupus

I miss waking up in the morning and being completely refreshed. I miss being able to work a long, busy shift on a Sunday, and then head out to drink and dance hours later, without consequence. I miss not having to swallow handfuls of pills every day. I miss…

From Santa Cruz to Savannah and Hurricane Matthew

Georgia on my mind … So much has happened in the last two weeks I have no idea of where to even start. If you’ve been following along with my many misadventures this summer, you would know that I went road tripping, island hopping, visited with friends both far…

Dating with Lupus as a Single Millennial

Dating is difficult enough as a millennial. I’ve always hated the concept of dating, but now despise it even more. Meeting even someone who I think the world of leads to the Herculean task of trying to find the right time to break the news that, no matter…