
With Lupus, Support Is Important Too

Lupus is a pretty devastating disease, and those who do not have to deal with it firsthand, day after day, don’t really get to see that. Often, those who know someone battling it tell me about how that person is living a normal life, or how they have…

Lupus, Body Shame, and Learning Self-Love

Lying in bed, scrolling though Instagram, I came across a post devoted to the promotion of self-love and healthy bodies. The caption told the story of how the girl pictured had spent a majority of her life hating her body and shaming herself into trying to match society’s…

Prednisolone: My Love-Hate Relationship with Steroids

When I pictured being in my twenties I had a few expectations. I didn’t expect to have everything figured out, but I assumed that I would have a rough idea about where I wanted to be and, more than anything, I thought that at least physically I would…

Lupus and Proper Nutrition

  It is no secret that food is one our most basic needs. It provides the building blocks for strong and healthy bodies. People with lupus have the same requirements as everyone else, except we are a little more sensitive to the effects of food. Food for a…

Lupus and Weight Loss

Daily, we are bombarded with weight loss ads promoting the latest powder, pill, or apparatus that help us achieve that thin look we seem to think is better than the way we look now. I’ve always found many of the methods being advertised interesting; they rarely offer any real health…

Wanderlust and Lupus

The very first time I stepped onto Californian soil, in 2013, I was instantly in love with the different culture, how I was completely immersed in something so foreign to everything I’d ever known. My wanderlust was born. From that day on, I’ve planned my life around my…

Lupus Costs You — and Not Just Money

When people hear about a lupus diagnosis, they don’t often think about what it really costs to have the disease. In fact, many who don’t know much about it think it can be “managed” and don’t really take it very seriously. Those of us who battle it daily know that lupus…

My Mother, My Keeper: Loved Ones in the Fight Against Lupus

I’m exactly half of both of my parents. I have half of each of their facial features and if you know all three of us, you’d know from my stubbornness, determination, work ethic, and perseverance that there’s no possible way I could be anyone else’s child. Even as…

Lupus and Guilt: Feeling Guilty For Feeling Bad

In her debut column for Lupus News Today, lupus patient specialist and columnist Kellie McRae opens up about the guilt and uncertainty she felt in the early journey toward her lupus diagnosis, and the impact that her rapid weight loss and declining health had on her family.

Climbing Everest

I’ve grieved for the loss of a loved one, felt pain because no matter how much I wanted them to be with me, they simply couldn’t be anymore. I’ve felt grief in shattering heartbreak, as I had to understand that the person and relationship I yearned for no…