Author Archives: Patricia Inacio, PhD

Benlysta Improves SLE Outcomes, Canadian OBSErve Study Shows

Patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) showed clinically significant improvement and a significant decrease in their use of anti-inflammatory glucocorticoids after six months of treatment with Benlysta (belimumab), the Canadian OBSErve study showed. The study results also highlight a care gap in real-world clinical settings, as more than 40 percent of physicians did not…

Lupus Research Alliance Picks the Top 10 Innovative Projects It Will Fund

The Lupus Research Alliance has chosen its Novel Research Grant Class of 2017, which consists of 10 projects that represent innovative approaches in lupus-treatment development. “Standing on a 16-year foundation of documented success, the Novel Research Grants bring new insight and untried directions to the complexities of lupus,” Margaret Dowd, the…