Author Archives: Marta Ribeiro

Turmeric: A Spice to Fight Lupus

Lupus is a chronic, autoimmune disease that can affect anyone. Symptoms may vary from patient to patient, which means that the treatment approach has to be discussed with an expert, and a team can tailor the best treatment option for that specific condition. Listen to a lupus…

Mobile-Friendly: 6 Lesser-Known Lupus Symptoms

While every case of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is different, there are a few common symptoms most lupus patients share. Some are joint pain, butterfly rash on the face, fever, fatigue, and sensitivity to the sun. But because SLE is such a complex and very individualized disease, some symptoms are less common. Here are…

Clean These 7 Household Areas to Prevent the Spread of Germs

When you are dealing with a disease or illness, your immune system is compromised, making it easier to pick up germs and bugs. While it’s impossible to live in a completely sterile environment, there are ways to try and minimize the amount of germs around your home according to the…

10 Tips to Get You Through Cold and Flu Season

It’s that time of year when everyone starts to get sick and pass around their cold and flu germs. Having a chronic illness means that your immune system is already compromised, which makes picking up other people’s winter illnesses harder to avoid. However, you don’t have to lock yourself away…

7 Facts You Should Know About Lupus

Lupus can be a tricky disease because of its complexity. Its symptoms, diagnosis, types, who it affects the most, and other aspects of the chronic autoimmune disease can be confusing because the disease impacts every patient differently. To help you learn more about lupus, here’s a list of seven facts:…

13 Lupus Symptoms You Should Know

Lupus affects people by attacking the patient’s immune system which is the body’s natural way of protecting us from viruses, bacteria, and germs. Interested in knowing what the symptoms of lupus are? Read more about it here. Because lupus can affect any part of the human body, the symptoms that may…

9 Tips to Live Well With Lupus

Lupus is a very complex and chronic autoimmune disease that can affect anyone, anytime, in many different ways. To help you live better with the disease, we’ve put together a list of nine tips. (source: EverydayHealth website):   1. Reduce stress to reduce flares. A sudden…

10 Frequently Asked Lupus Questions

Because lupus is such a complex disease, it affects people differently. Because symptoms may vary from person to person, the treatments have to be personalized. But what more should you know about lupus? Here’s a list of ten of the most frequently asked questions about this chronic, autoimmune disease (source:…

9 Symptoms of Lupus in Children

Even though it tends to affect mostly female adults, children are also possible targets for lupus. Since the range of symptoms is so extensive, lupus can be very difficult to diagnose. Wondering how lupus is diagnosed? Children are affected in visible and invisible ways. Visible symptoms may be unsettling…

The Science Of Depression: What You Need To Know

Getting diagnosed with a long term, chronic illness can be harsh on you. It can make you feel down, sad. and even lead to depression. You feel that it’s not fair and that you shouldn’t be dealing with it. Right? Did you know that, even thought…