Author Archives: Marta Ribeiro

6 Lesser Known Lupus Symptoms

While every case of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is different, there are a few common symptoms most lupus patients share. Some are joint pain, butterfly rash on the face, fever, fatigue, and sensitivity to the sun. Learn more about 13 of the most common symptoms of lupus. But because SLE is such…

What People Say When You Tell Them You Have Lupus We are all different. That said, every lupus patient is different mainly because the disease is so complex that it attacks patients in very individual ways. This is how lupus attacks your immune system. But most people don’t get that. What tends to come after someone acknowledges that you have lupus, is…

Life with Lupus: A Teenage Girl’s Story

It’s known that lupus doesn’t discriminate. It can affect anyone, anywhere, of any age or gender. But lupus tends to affect females most often.  Children and teenagers, included.  This was certainly Frankie’s experience. Learn more about what it’s like to live with lupus. Frankie Quarles was a competitive cheerleader…

Chronically Ill: This is the Lighter Side of My Morning Routine

Living with a debilitating chronic illness such as lupus can be pretty exhausting. Dealing with all the symptoms — lupus flares, fatigue, rashes and fever — plus side-effects that may come from treatments and medications can make your body extremely tired. Have you ever wondered how lupus attacks…

7 Facts You Should Know About Lupus

Lupus can be a tricky disease because of its complexity. Some aspects concerning symptoms, diagnosis, types of lupus, who it affects the most and more, can seem quite mysterious due to an overall lack of knowledge. To help you learn more about lupus, here’s a list of seven facts:   Autoimmune…

What You Shouldn’t Say to Someone with a Chronic Illness

Dealing with a chronic and rare disease like lupus can be complicated for people around you. Mystery surrounds the disease and the sheer lack of knowledge can confuse friends and family who don’t even have a clue about your condition. Sometimes they say some things they shouldn’t (even when they think they…

8 Different Yoga Poses for Lupus Patients

Lupus is a serious chronic autoimmune disease that debilitates your body. Dealing with the diagnosis and learning how to live with the symptoms and flares, then picking yourself up and trying to maintain a regular life routine can leave you feeling quite fatigued. Here are 10…

What is Lupus: The Silent Disease? There are many people living with lupus who are not yet aware of it. They may have some of the symptoms – which may or not be visible – but because lupus has so many different symptoms, it can be very difficult to diagnose. SLE – what is systemic…

Summer Tips: 10 Ways to Stay Hydrated

As everybody probably knows, our body is made mostly out of water and we need it to stay alive. Drinking enough water to keep hydrated is one of the most important things we should do, but not everyone likes it or does it on a daily basis. If you’re living…