
Lupus Insight Prize Goes to Dr. George C. Tsokos

The prestigious 2015 Lupus Insight Prize was awarded to investigator George C. Tsokos, MD, who serves as chief of the Rheumatology Division at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center as well as professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School. Dr. Tsokos was selected by the Alliance for…

New Potential Lupus Drug Targets B Cell Receptor

Researchers at Monash University’s Department of Immunology recently developed a method to prevent lupus by targeting a specific receptor in B cells. B cells are a key type of immune cell responsible for defending the body against infections, producing antibodies and generating memory B cells that remain in the body so that, if encountering…

Researchers Discover a New Trigger for Autoimmune Diseases

A team led by researchers at Garvan Institute of Medical Research and St. Vincent’s Clinical School in Australia identified a new trigger for autoimmune diseases. The study was recently published in the journal Immunity and is entitled “FAS Inactivation Releases Unconventional Germinal…

Market Report Forecasts Seven New Lupus Therapies by 2022

Patients who suffer from systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) or lupus nephritis (LN) may have seven new therapeutic options by 2022, according to a new report on the global drug market. The forecast published by the company Research and Markets analyzed the lupus treatment market over the past few decades,…

Patients With SLE Suffer More Than Physicians Perceive

Results from a survey conducted by GfK in 2014 indicated that patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) have difficulties describing their symptoms to their physicians, leading to a gap in physicians’ understanding of the full impact the illness has on these patients’ lives. The survey was conducted by GfK on…

High Doses of Triptorelin Protect Ovaries, Are Safe for Young Female SLE Patients

Inducing ovarian suppression in female patients with childhood-onset systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is protective against ovarian failure from treatment with cyclophophamide. A clinical trial from Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center and University of Cincinnati College of Medicine has established a safe dose of triptorelin that effectively achieves and maintains complete…