
Energy Is a Casualty of Coronavirus Quarantine

As the novel coronavirus spreads across the world, my native Australia is slowly being coaxed into lockdown. At the start of this week, state and federal authorities announced they would shut down all “nonessential” activities soon. In my life, this means that training at the gym, Brazilian jiujitsu, and yoga…

The Burden of Feeling Like a Burden

When the doctor told me that I have lupus, I first thought only of the diagnosis. I had no clue that so much more would come with the knowledge that I would be fighting my body for the rest of my life. Guilt, depression, anxiety are just a few…

As Social Distancing Professionals, We Have a Head Start

For those of us battling lupus, chronic fatigue is often the reason we cancel social engagements at the last minute. Some friends and family members don’t understand that our fatigue is not a normal type of tired. Sleeping for days on end is not unusual with lupus, and we…

Who Cares About Matching Body Parts Anyway?

Last week I went in for a day surgery to have a cyst removed from my left ear lobe. Unfortunately for me, the scar tissue trauma known as a “keloid” and my left ear lobe appear to have become staunch friends. This is the second time in less than a…

I Am Slowly Shifting My Mindset

Sometimes, I forget that I have lupus. Is that weird? I have spent so much time pushing my body and telling myself that many of the things I can no longer do are because I am not trying hard enough. Then I landed in the hospital followed by a…

I’ve Decided to Face Forward with a New Outlook

It’s been an interesting couple of months. I have learned, endured, and accepted (I hope) a lot. I am always doing checks and balances with my mental health, working to find joy on difficult days, being grateful for another day, and looking for opportunity amid my adversity. Following my…

My Spirit Is Broken on My Road to Recovery

I was lulled into thinking that I could give American healthcare another chance. I had a 14-day stay at the James A. Haley Veterans’ Hospital in Tampa, Florida, where I was treated like a VIP. I heard about the culture shift throughout the hospital, and I felt it through…

While I Am Napping Time Is Passing Me By

No matter what happens, the world keeps turning. It doesn’t stop for moments of happiness or moments of heartache. Sometimes I wish it would come to a halt. Not for too long. Just to give me enough time to wipe my tears and take that deep breath necessary to pull…