Kristiana Page,  —

Kristiana Page is a passionate writer, jiujiteira, and lover of crunchy salt and vinegar chips. She lives in Geelong, Victoria, Australia. She was diagnosed with stage V lupus nephritis in 2016 at the age of 20. True to her personality, her writing is emotional, honest — sometimes blunt — and largely undeterred by what other people might think. For her, writing is equal parts therapy and the ultimate act of defiance against an invisible illness that thrived off her silence. She loves to use words to reduce stigma, shine a light on the realities of life with an invisible illness, and make the world feel a little smaller when it matters most.

Articles by Kristiana Page

Choosing to Have Kids Is Complicated When You Have Lupus

When I was a teenager, there was no question about whether I wanted children. I did, and I wanted three. Even as a teen, I remember picturing little kids with half my features and a mix of my best and worst personality traits, each mini-me with my dad’s determination,…

How Times Have Changed: 2023 Is Going to Be My Year

As we start the new year, I’m feeling very introspective. This time last year, as I curled up with a book on a beach in South Australia, I felt the same way. From the age of 18 to 25, I spent every summer working as a barista. In my oceanside…

Getting Sick Means Putting My Life on Hold for Weeks

Lying in bed, congested, and surrounded by a mountain of tissues and toilet paper: That’s how I spent the better part of two weeks. It’s happened enough times now that I should be able to identify patterns and see it coming, but I don’t. Every time, it creeps up on…