How Lupus Taught Me to Say ‘Yes!’ to Now

Kristiana Page avatar

by Kristiana Page |

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Saying 'yes' to now!

We live in a society where too often the assumption is that the future is guaranteed. But it’s not. I’ve spent too much of my life holding out for that “rainy day.” However, being diagnosed with lupus has taught me that it’s crucial to make it count while I have the chance. There’s no better time than right now to say “Yes.”

In my room there’s jewelry that was given to me at birth, and to this day I’ve yet to wear it. Why? It’s special, and I couldn’t justify wearing it just any old day; it needed to be for an extraordinary occasion. In 21 years there wasn’t one day that I considered worthy, so it has remained in it’s original box, covered with dust.

Although the cause and potential cure of lupus remain a mystery, one thing that’s certain: It doesn’t get better; it will get only worse. It is with this knowledge that I was forced to change my perspective on life.

This journey with lupus is kind of how I’d imagine getting stuck in a mine cart, flying down the rails in the dark of a mountain mine. There’s no way of telling what lies ahead and there’s the ever-present possibility of crashing. But nothing good can come from the lurking darkness and you’ll most definitely come out worse for wear.

I am grateful for every day that I wake up without a head full of brain fog, or crippling aches in my joints. I know it’s inevitable and not a question of “if,” but “when.”

There are so many things I’ve always wanted to try, but didn’t. I don’t know what stopped me. Maybe it was the anxiety that comes with trying something new, or maybe I was just putting it off until it felt like the time was right. But in so many instances I never broke out of my shell.

I’ve started living by the idea that any great day that comes my way potentially could be my very last. Time will not be my friend, therefore I no longer say “maybe,” Instead, I say “YES”.

There are very few things that I’m grateful to lupus for, but in this case I can’t have overwhelming gratitude. It may have crushed my spirit and flipped the world upside down, but as clichéd as it may be, it also pushed me to make every moment count.

Without lupus my life would be easy. I’d live without much complication, but I also would’ve never learned to answer every opportunity with a resounding “YES!”

In these past few months I’ve said “yes” to anything and everything that I thought had the potential make me happy. Not every “yes” made me happy, but at least I took the leap to know for sure.

I’m saying “yes” to happiness, no matter how anxiety-inducing the root-cause might be. “Yes” to challenges, even though there’s an ever-present chance of failure. And “yes” to living for right now, while I’m sure it’s mine.

In a single moment I changed my whole life, with a tiny, three-lettered word. It was not it’s size that made the difference, but exactly how I say it and how often. It doesn’t matter whether I’m shouting it from the rooftops or whispering it quietly to myself, it’s still a “yes,” still an affirmation to life to the fullest.


Note: Lupus News Today is strictly a news and information website about the disease. It does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. The opinions expressed in this column are not those of Lupus News Today, or its parent company, Bionews Services, and are intended to spark discussion about issues pertaining to lupus.


Hurricane Kellie avatar

Hurricane Kellie

As a yes girl myself, this resonates with me. Traveling the world with lupus has been quite intense, brain fog after climbing off of a plane lasts for days but like you said, time is not on our side. We get one chance so let's do as much "yes" as possible and show others that just because we are not in our healthiest state, it does not mean we can't be in our happiest one. Kudos to you lady! Great post

Kristiana Page avatar

Kristiana Page

Traveling is such a huge passion of mine and as it's stressful on the body even for the average person, I'm sure I'll find out exactly what you experience soon enough. But I never want to look back and feel like I didn't take a chance that I should have! I want to know this life was mine and I did all I could to make sure of that.


Kristi xx

Karen L Falconi avatar

Karen L Falconi

Wonderful Post! Thank-you for being an inspiration!!!

Kristiana Page avatar

Kristiana Page

No thank-you for reading and commenting! I write for the readers just as much as I write for myself.

Hope you're well!

Kristi xx

Courtney avatar


Thank you so much for your articles. I cant tell you how much they mean to me. Ive been recently diagnosed with lupus, raynauds and last friday vasculitis. Your articles are truly inspiring and i hope i can learn from you and your experiences. Im overwhelmed with this lupus buisness...and ive been trying to find a good support group. Your articles are a first step so thank you.

Kristiana Page avatar

Kristiana Page

Hi Courtney!

Thank-you so much for your lovely words, I really appreciate them!
I'm sorry to hear about your diagnosis' and I hope you know how many people there are that understand what you're going through and are there for you!
It's scary, I won't tell you it's not but every day it gets a little bit more manageable and right here is a whole community of people for you!
Thank-you for reading my columns and I hope you'll continue to keep commenting in the future!

Much love,

Kristi X


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