
Trigger May Be Uncovered For Lupus, Other Autoimmune Diseases

Scientists at the Hospital for Special Surgery (HSS) in New York, in collaboration with Greek researchers, may have identified a trigger for autoimmune disorders that could shed light on how many diseases develop, including lupus. The investigators found virus-like components of the human genome that seem to be…

2016 Lupus Insight Prize Goes to University of Massachusetts Professor

Ann Marshak-Rothstein, professor of Medicine and Rheumatology at University of Massachusetts Memorial Medical School, received the 2016 Lupus Insight Prize for promising research to improve the treatment of the lupus-related skin disease called cutaneous lupus. The award was announced at the recent 16th Annual Meeting of the Federation of Clinical…

Researchers Review How Lupus Treatment Can Improve and Move Forward

Treatments for lupus systemic erythematosus (SLE) have greatly improved over time due to advances in the understanding of the condition. The past few decades, however, have not produced expected additional progress in lupus treatment. A new commentary from researchers in Spain reviews the current situation with lupus therapies, including their recommendations for…

Differences in Lupus Among Ethnic Groups Linked to Activated B-Cells

Scientists at Bristol-Myers Squibb have uncovered mechanisms explaining why African-Americans with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) experience more serious symptoms and become sick at earlier ages than American patients of European descent. The difference lies in B-cells according to the study “B cells from African American lupus patients exhibit…

#EULAR 2016 – Drug for Children and Teens with Lupus Shows Promise in Early Study

The Alliance for Children’s Therapeutics presented positive results from an early study of KPI Therapeutics/Kineta’s lead drug candidate, dalazatide, as a possible treatment for children and teenagers with lupus nephritis. The data were given at the recent European League Against Rheumatism’s 17th Annual Congress in London. A key finding was that “patients with…