Author Archives: Wendy Henderson

Lupus: The Invisible Monster

In this animated video from Lupus U.K., the disease is depicted as an invisible monster. It explains that lupus is an autoimmune disease that rarely displays any visible signs. Discover how lupus affects blood platelets.  The invisible nature of the disease makes it difficult for non-sufferers to understand just how debilitating lupus…

6 Effects of Chronic Fatigue in Autoimmune Diseases

Autoimmune diseases and chronic fatigue go hand in hand, as anyone with lupus, scleroderma, multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, IBD (and a host more) will testify. Chronic fatigue affects daily life and your ability to go about your business. It’s incredibly debilitating and yet, very misunderstood by those who don’t suffer from it. We’ve put…

How Lupus Affects Platelets This short informative video from Karela Palazio explains the function of platelets and how lupus can affect the number of platelets in the body. Discover some of the symptoms which could point to lupus. The video also explains that platelets are used to form clots on wounds to stem…

How Does Lupus Affect Patients? This informative video from YongWJ explains some of the common symptoms of lupus, along with photos of actual patients to illustrate what some of the skin complaints look like. Discover what effect lupus has on the immune system. The video also shares that while there’s no cure for lupus, patients are able…

What Does a Lupus Flare Feel Like?

In this short informative video from the Lupus Foundation of American, the organization’s nurse health educator, Sarah, explains what a lupus flare feels like. Here are 13 lupus symptoms you should be aware of. In an effort to increase the public’s understanding of lupus, the video explains how lupus patients…

Maurissa’s Lupus Story: It Started With a Butterfly Rash

In this video from the Lupus Foundation of America, Maurissa Tancharone Whedon discusses her first lupus symptoms and the progression of her disease. Find out more about symptoms which could point to lupus. Maurissa explains that her first sign of lupus was the classic butterfly rash and that…

Strange Remedies for Aching Lupus Joints

Joint and muscle pains are one of the most common symptoms of lupus and in a bid to the soothe ache and pains associated with the condition, patients will often use and recommend some strange and off-the-wall products, as this personal vlog from Frugalistic Lupus Sister shows.

Why Lupus is Called the ‘Cruel Mystery’

In this touching video from the Lupus Foundation of America, ladies with lupus share what it’s like to live with the disease and how frightening a lupus diagnosis can be for young women who have their whole lives ahead of them. Discover what happens to the body during…

VeinViewer Will Help Nurses With IVs and Blood Tests

Anyone with a chronic illness will testify that they spend a lot of time in the doctor’s office having blood work done. Which means getting pricked with a lot of needles, which can sometimes take two or three (or more) attempts to find a compliant vein. Read our six tips for…