Lupus: The Invisible Monster
In this animated video from Lupus U.K., the disease is depicted as an invisible monster. It explains that lupus is an autoimmune disease that rarely displays any visible signs.
Discover how lupus affects blood platelets.Â
The invisible nature of the disease makes it difficult for non-sufferers to understand just how debilitating lupus can be and that symptoms like joint pain and chronic fatigue are very real and hugely affect a patient’s life.
The film also discusses the unpredictability of lupus, and how flares can strike without warning. While many lupus patients have triggers (sun exposure, certain foods, stress, etc.), flares can often appear out of nowhere and attack any part of a person’s body, including vital organs such as the kidneys, liver, and heart.
What does a lupus flare feel like? Find out here.Â
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