Progentec enrolling for virtual study to promote early diagnosis of lupus
Participants will be guided through online tests and consultations

Progentec Diagnostics has partnered with GSK to launch PROACTIVE, a study to identify people at risk of developing lupus.
The study seeks to help with the early detection and diagnosis of lupus, which is critical for its effective treatment and management. Participants will be guided through a series of online assessments, biomarker tests, and virtual consultations with primary care doctors and rheumatology specialists.
“We believe that this study will not only contribute substantially to our understanding of lupus during its early phases but also provide much needed answers to persons who experience unexplained symptoms attributable to lupus,” Eldon Jupe, PhD, principal investigator of PROACTIVE, said in a company press release.
Study recruiting people at risk for lupus and other connective tissue disorders
Lupus is a chronic disease that occurs when the immune system attacks healthy tissues in the body. The condition can affect every organ, resulting in a wide range of symptoms. The disease is usually characterized by flares — episodes when symptoms appear or worsen — followed by periods of remission when symptoms ease or disappear.
PROACTIVE also seeks to identify those at risk of developing other connective tissue disorders. Connective tissue can be found throughout the body and its main purpose is to connect and support other tissues in the body.
Those interested in participating must first undergo a screening test to confirm they meet the study’s criteria. They also need to give consent and commit to participating actively during the entire process. Prospective participants must also agree to share the contact information of their healthcare provider and medical records from the last 12 months.
Study participants will be guided through a personalized approach that will help them to evaluate their symptoms. The process is expected to be easily accessible and convenient. The study will be conducted remotely, via telehealth and virtual sessions, and lab samples will be collected by mobile services.
No cost or compensation to participate in the study
All study sessions, medical testing, and required wearable devices will come at no cost to the participants or their insurance. No compensation will be given for participating in the study.
In the end, a final comprehensive report will be delivered to each participant’s primary healthcare provider. Participants will have the option to be followed up for a maximum of six years to assess their disease progression.
Progentec provides diagnostic and digital tools for the management of autoimmune conditions, particularly in areas with unmet medical needs. The company combines clinically validated interventions with digital technologies to aid in the management of chronic health conditions.