Celebrate With Me - a column by Candace Semien

14 ways to rebuild when lupus symptoms bulldoze life

Living with systemic lupus erythematosus and Sjögren’s syndrome is like building a house out of fragments. I gleaned that idea from Paulo Coelho’s 2024 collection of stories, “Maktub.” It’s an inspirational companion to his classic novel “The Alchemist,” published about three decades ago. (Photo…

I don’t understand lupus pain, but I understand Cori Broadus

I was staring at the hospital walls, whispering to myself, “I don’t understand this pain.” Neither did the emergency room physicians and the hospital’s admitting physician. They’d done their best to pin down the “great imitator” using every blood test, scan, and opioid at their immediate disposal. At that moment,…

3 places I will definitely go this year while living with lupus

An interesting video is circulating on social media that I’ve seen more times than I can count. While it may be just a colloquial trend used to boost a content creator’s analytics, it still offers an interesting declaration. The video opens with a pensive-looking person with cursive text above their…

Why learning to say no is part of self-advocacy in healthcare

When was the first time you heard the words “advocate” and “advocacy”? According to Dictionary.com, to advocate means “to speak or write in favor of; support or urge by argument; recommend publicly.” And the Cambridge Dictionary says advocacy is the “public support for an idea, plan, or way…

When lupus prevents traveling, I have a ‘Bismott Moment’

Since 1986, Delta airlines has consistently served Biscoff cookies during flights. According to Simple Flying, the airline serves about 85 million cookies a year. If you’ve taken to the skies in the last decade, you’ve probably had a pack or two (or four) of these oblong, cinnamon-ginger shortbread…

In a crisis, I follow the advice from my Lupus Training 101

“You know, lupus thrives in extremes,” a rheumatologist told me. His tone was bland and matter-of-fact. “No, I don’t know much about lupus besides its misery,” I responded. “For one thing, your body will see elation and stress with the same intensity, and that may trigger flares.