Celebrate With Me - a column by Candace Semien

In dark moments with lupus, promise that you’ll fight for yourself

It’s so easy to jump on the woe-is-me, this-isn’t-fair, what-did-I-do-to-deserve-this bandwagon and shout, kick, and scream at the awful “bad luck” and horrible timing of chronic, incurable sickness.   Feeling like a victim and falling into grief can seem inescapable when unprovoked pain, flares of skin rashes, hair…

Putting my body on a performance improvement plan

As one year ends and another begins, many employers give job performance evaluations. That’s when, according to the Society for Human Resource Management, they or their supervisors commend workers for the impact they’ve made on the company and any recognizable or measurable outcomes they’ve helped produce. It’s also…

Bravo! While living with lupus, you can ‘do it real big.’

It’s amazing the number of times we hear people speak negatively about themselves or their circumstances. Staying free from the doldrums is a challenge when living with chronic, rare conditions. Honestly, who can stay positive when your body is home to an immune system that attacks and attacks and attacks?…

Life with lupus is hard, but with gratitude, suffering is optional

One of the most horrendous aspects of living with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is dealing with the additional diseases and chronic conditions that lupus causes. Lupus is insidious; it ushers in more symptoms and new diagnoses without warning and then releases a brutal, wolfish attack. It’s torturous being the…

How ChatGPT helped me prepare for a doctor appointment

About 200 million people worldwide, including almost 68 million Americans, use Open AI’s ChatGPT weekly, according to Backlinko. In January 2024, the average ChatGPT session lasted 13 minutes, 35 seconds. There are many contrasting opinions about using artificial intelligence (AI) systems such as ChatGPT to understand critical issues like…