Author Archives: Wendy Henderson

Lupus and Pregnancy: Risks and Management

Lupus is an autoimmune disease that mainly strikes women during their childbearing years. For many women living with the disease, that means pregnancy will become an issue at some point in their lives. MORE: Seven pregnancy tips for lupus patients A few decades ago, women with lupus were discouraged from having a family,…

Looking Back at the History of Lupus

Lupus can be traced as far back as the author of the Hippocratic Oath. Hippocrates was a Greek philosopher born in 430 BC and amongst his chronicles are details of patients with the classic butterfly facial rash associated with the disease. (Sources: and…

Lupus: Does Our Skin Hold the Answer?

In this Arthritis National Research Foundation video, host Britt Johnson interviews Dr. Michelle Kahlenberg, a rheumatologist and medical researcher from the University of Michigan. MORE: Nine symptoms of lupus in children Kahlenberg goes into detail about her research work that hones in on how lupus related inflammation of the…

Finding Happiness While Living With Lupus

Lupus is an autoimmune disease that develops for no known reason. Instead of the immune system protecting a person with lupus, it turns on the patient. Anyone can get the disease — any age, gender or race. Young adult women are most at risk. MORE: Young people diagnosed with…

Dr. Anne Stevens on Scleroderma and Lupus Research

In this Arthritis National Research Foundation video, host Kyle Langan talks with Dr. Anne Stevens from Seattle Children’s Hospital about the autoimmune diseases lupus and scleroderma. MORE: Nine symptoms of lupus in children Dr. Stevens discusses some of her recent research projects. One study is investigating whether not maternal cells passed…

5 Tips for an Easy, Accurate Lupus Diagnosis Lupus is an autoimmune inflammatory disease that often affects multiple organs. Each patient is uniquely affected by lupus, which makes it incredibly difficult to diagnosis. Some of the most common symptoms of lupus include a facial rash, joint and muscle pain, fatigue, sensitivity to light, along with other…

5 Serious Complications That Can Arise Because of an Autoimmune Disease

Having an autoimmune disease means that a person’s immune system is attacking their body instead of protecting it. Aside from the autoimmune disease they may have, they’re also at a higher risk of developing other serious health complications. According to, there are five serious complications that can arise…

Lupus: The Invisible Monster

In this animated video from Lupus U.K., the disease is depicted as an invisible monster. It explains that lupus is an autoimmune disease that rarely displays any visible signs. MORE: Discover how lupus affects blood platelets The invisible nature of the disease makes it difficult for non-sufferers to understand just how debilitating lupus…

B-Cells and T-Cells: How They’re Affected by Lupus

Autoimmune diseases (like lupus) occur when the immune system attacks the body’s healthy cells causing a host of issues. Right now, there’s no known cause or cure for these diseases. What do you know about the cells the immune system attacks? Did you know B-cells produce antibodies and T-cells…

An Introduction to the Two Main Types of Lupus

With more than 1.5 million lupus patients in the U.S., it’s surprising how little people know about this autoimmune disease. There is currently no known cure for lupus and the cause of it is still a mystery, although doctors now think there may be a genetic predisposition to the condition.